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(Group members in bold, corresponding author indicated by asterisk *) 


The Latest Publication:

​Yan, Y., Li, B., Dechant., B., Xu, M., Luo, X., Qu, S., Miao, G., Leng,. J., Shang, R., Shu, L., Jiang, C., Wang, H., Jeong, S., Ryu, Y. & Chen, J. (2025). Plant traits shape global spatiotemporal variations in photosynthetic efficiency. Nature Plants. In press.


Chen, C., Li, Y., Wang, X., Luo, X., Li, Y., Cheng, Y. & Zhu, Z. (2025). Biophysical effects of croplands on land surface temperature. Nature Communications. [Link][PDF].


Zhao, R.Luo, X.*, Yang, Y., Syahid, L., Chen, C. & Lee, J.S.H. (2024). Cropland expansion drives vegetation greenness decline in Southeast Asia. Biogeosciences. [Link] [PDF].


Abramowitz, G. et al. (39 co-authors including Luo. X.). (2024). On the predictability of turbulent fluxes from land: PLUMBER2 MIP experimental description and preliminary results. Biogeosciences. [Link][PDF].


Liu, J., Ryu, Y., Luo. X., Dechant, B., Stocker, B.D., Keenan, T.F., Gentine, P., Li, X., Li, B., Harrison, S.P. & Prentice I.C. (2024). Evidence for widespread thermal acclimation of canopy photosynthesis. Nature Plants. [Link] [PDF].


Prentice, ​I.C., Balzarolo, M., Bloomfield, K., Chen, J.M., Dechant, B., Ghent, D., Janssens, I.,  Luo, X., Morfopoulos, C., Ryu, Y., Vicca, S. & van Hoolst, R. (2024). Principles for satellite monitoring of vegetation carbon uptake. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment. [Link] [PDF].


Yi, K. et al. (25 co-authors including Luo, X.). (2024). Challenges and Future Directions in Quantifying Terrestrial Evapotranspiration. Water Resources Research. [Link] [PDF].


Yu, L.Luo, X.*, Croft, H., Rogers, C. & Chen, J.M. (2024). Seasonal variation in the relationship between leaf chlorophyll content and photosynthetic capacity. Plant, Cell  & Environment. [Link] [PDF].


Tian, J. & Luo, X.* (2024). Conflicting changes of vegetation greenness interannual variability on half of the global vegetated surface. Earth's Future. DOI: 10.1029/2023EF004119. [Link] [PDF].


Luo, X., Zhou, H., Satriawan, T.W., Tian, J., Zhao, R., Keenan, T.F., Griffith, D. M., Sitch, S. Smith, N.G. & Still, C.J. (2024). Mapping the global distribution of C4 vegetation using observations and optimality theory. Nature Communications. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-45606-3. [Link] [PDF].


Tian, J., Luo, X.*, Xu, H., Green, J.K., Tang, H., Wu, J. & Piao, S. (2024). Slower changes in vegetation phenology than precipitation seasonality in the dry tropics. Global Change Biology. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.17134. [Link] [PDF].


Satriawan, T.W., Luo, X.*, Tian, J., Ichii, J., Juneng, L. & Kondo, M. (2024). Strong Green-up of Tropical Asia during the 2015/16 El Nino. Geophysical Research Letters. DOI: 10.1029/2023GL106955. [Link] [PDF].



Luo, X., Zhou, H., Satriawan, T.W., Tian, J., Zhao, R., Keenan, T.F., Griffith, D. M., Sitch, S. Smith, N.G. & Still, C.J. (2024). Mapping the global distribution of C4 vegetation using observations and optimality theory. Nature Communications. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-45606-3. [Link] [PDF].


Tian, J., Luo, X.*, Xu, H., Green, J.K., Tang, H., Wu, J. & Piao, S. (2024). Slower changes in vegetation phenology than precipitation seasonality in the dry tropics. Global Change Biology. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.17134. [Link] [PDF].


Zhang, Z., Luo, X.*, Friess, D., Wang, S., Li, Y. & Li, Y. (2023). Stronger increases but greater variability in global mangrove productivity compared to that of adjacent terrestrial forests. Nature Ecology & Evolution. DOI: 10.1038/s41559-023-02264-w. [Link] [PDF].


Luo, X., Keenan, T.F. (2022) Tropical extreme droughts drive long-term increase in atmospheric CO2 growth rate variability. Nature Communications. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-28824-5. (Covered by The Straits Times). [Link] [PDF].


Luo, X., Keenan, T.F., Chen, J.M., Croft, H., Prentice, I.C., Smith, N.G., Walker, A.P., Wang, H., Wang, R., Xu, C. & Zhang, Y. (2021) Global variation in the fraction of leaf nitrogen allocated to photosynthesis. Nature Communications. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-25163-9. (Nature Communications Editors' Highlights). [Link] [PDF].


Luo, X., Keenan, T.F. (2020) Global evidence for the acclimation of ecosystem photosynthesis to light. Nature Ecology & Evolution. DOI:10.1038/s41559-020-1258-7. [Link] [PDF].


Luo, X., Croft, H., Chen, J.M., He, L. & Keenan, T.F. (2019). Improved estimates of global photosynthesis using information on leaf chlorophyll content. Global Change Biology. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.14624. [Link] [PDF].



Yan, Y., Li, B., Dechant., B., Xu, M., Luo, X., Qu, S., Miao, G., Leng,. J., Shang, R., Shu, L., Jiang, C., Wang, H., Jeong, S., Ryu, Y. & Chen, J. (2025). Plant traits shape global spatiotemporal variations in photosynthetic efficiency. Nature Plants. In press.



Chen, C., Li, Y., Wang, X., Luo, X., Li, Y., Cheng, Y. & Zhu, Z. (2025). Biophysical effects of croplands on land surface temperature. Nature Communications. [Link][PDF].


Zhao, R.Luo, X.*, Yang, Y., Syahid, L., Chen, C. & Lee, J.S.H. (2024). Cropland expansion drives vegetation greenness decline in Southeast Asia. Biogeosciences. [Link] [PDF].


​Abramowitz, G. et al. (39 co-authors including Luo. X.). (2024). On the predictability of turbulent fluxes from land: PLUMBER2 MIP experimental description and preliminary results. Biogeosciences. [Link][PDF].


Liu, J., Ryu, Y., Luo. X., Dechant, B., Stocker, B.D., Keenan, T.F., Gentine, P., Li, X., Li, B., Harrison, S.P. & Prentice I.C. (2024). Evidence for widespread thermal acclimation of canopy photosynthesis. Nature Plants. [Link] [PDF​].


​Prentice, ​I.C., Balzarolo, M., Bloomfield, K., Chen, J.M., Dechant, B., Ghent, D., Janssens, I.,  Luo, X., Morfopoulos, C., Ryu, Y., Vicca, S. & van Hoolst, R. (2024). Principles for satellite monitoring of vegetation carbon uptake. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment. [Link] [PDF].


Tian, Y., Kleidon, A., Lesk, C., Zhou, S., Luo, X., Ghausi, S.A., Wang, G., Zhong, D. & Zscheischler,J. (2024). Characterizing heatwaves based on land surface energy budget. Communications Earth & Environment. [Link] [PDF].


​Yi, K. et al. (25 co-authors including Luo, X.). (2024). Challenges and Future Directions in Quantifying Terrestrial Evapotranspiration. Water Resources Research. [Link] [PDF].


Yu, L.Luo, X.*, Croft, H., Rogers, C. & Chen, J.M. (2024). Seasonal variation in the relationship between leaf chlorophyll content and photosynthetic capacity. Plant, Cell  & Environment. [Link] [PDF].


Tian, J. & Luo, X.* (2024). Conflicting changes of vegetation greenness interannual variability on half of the global vegetated surface. Earth's Future. DOI: 10.1029/2023EF004119. [Link] [PDF].


Satriawan, T.W., Luo, X.*, Tian, J., Ichii, J., Juneng, L. & Kondo, M. (2024). Strong Green-up of Tropical Asia during the 2015/16 El Nino. Geophysical Research Letters. DOI: 10.1029/2023GL106955. [Link] [PDF].


Leng, J., Chen, J.M., Li, W., Luo, X., R., Rogers, C., Croft, H., Xie, X. & Staebler R.M. (2024). Optimizing seasonally variable photosynthetic parameters based on joint carbon and water flux constraints. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. DOI: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2024.109999. [Link] [PDF].


Luo, X., Zhou, H., Satriawan, T.W., Tian, J., Zhao, R., Keenan, T.F., Griffith, D. M., Sitch, S. Smith, N.G. & Still, C.J. (2024). Mapping the global distribution of C4 vegetation using observations and optimality theory. Nature Communications. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-45606-3. [Link] [PDF].


Leng, J., Chen, J.M., Li, W., Luo, X., Xu, M., Liu, J., Wang, R., Rogers, C., Li, B. & Yan Y. (2024). Global datasets of hourly carbon and water fluxes simulated using a satellite-based process model with dynamic parameterizations. Earth System Science Data. DOI: 10.5194/essd-16-1283-2024. [Link] [PDF].


Tian, J., Luo, X.*, Xu, H., Green, J.K., Tang, H., Wu, J. & Piao, S. (2024). Slower changes in vegetation phenology than precipitation seasonality in the dry tropics. Global Change Biology. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.17134. [Link] [PDF].


Green, J.K., Zhang, Y., Luo, X. & Keenan, T.F. (2024). Systematic underestimation of canopy conductance sensitivity to drought by earth system models. AGU Advances. DOI: 10.1029/2023AV001026. [Link] [PDF].


Li, F., Hao, D., Zhu, Q., Yuan, K., Braghiere, R.K., He, L., Luo, X., Wei, S., Riley, W.J., Zeng, Y. & Chen, M. (2024). Global impacts of vegetation clumping on regulating land surface heat fluxes. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. DOI: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2023.109820. [Link] [PDF].



Zhang, Z., Luo, X.*, Friess, D., Wang, S., Li, Y. & Li, Y. (2023). Stronger increases but greater variability in global mangrove productivity compared to that of adjacent terrestrial forests. Nature Ecology & Evolution. DOI: 10.1038/s41559-023-02264-w. [Link] [PDF].


Keenan, T.F., Luo, X., Stocker, B., De Kauwe, M., Medlyn, B., Prentice, I.C., Smith, N., Terrer, C., Wang, H., Zhang, Y. & Zhou, S. (2023). A constraint on historic growth in global photosynthesis due to rising CO2. Nature Climate Change. DOI: 10.1038/s41558-023-01867-2. [Link] [PDF].


Ma, Q., Su, Y., Niu, C., Ma, Q., Hu, T., Luo, X., Tai, X., Qiu, T., Zhang, Y., Bales, R.C., Liu, L., Kelly, M. & Guo, Q. (2023). Tree mortality during long-term droughts is lower in structurally complex forest stands. Nature Communications. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-43083-8. [Link] [PDF].


Yang, Y., Roderick, M.L., Guo, H., Miralles, D. G., Zhang, L., Fatichi, S., Luo, X., Zhang, Y., McVicar, T.R., Tu, Z., Keenan, T.F., Fisher, J.B., Gan, R., Zhang, X., Piao, S., Zhang B. & Yang. D. (2023). Evapotranspiration on a greening Earth. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment. DOI: 10.1038/s43017-023-00464-3. [Link] [PDF].


Sun, W., Luo, X., Fang, Y., Shiga, Y., Zhang, Y., Fisher, J., Keenan, T. & Michalak, A. (2023). Biome-scale temperature sensitivity of ecosystem respiration revealed by atmospheric CO2 observations. Nature Ecology & Evolution. DOI: 10.1038/s41559-023-02093-x. [Link] [PDF]


Cao, J., Zhang, Z., Tao, F., Chen, Y., Luo, X. & Xie, J. (2023). Forecasting global crop yields based on El Nino Southern Oscillation early signals. Agricultural Systems. DOI: 10.1016/j.agsy.2022.103564. [Link] [PDF].



Li, F., Hao, D., Zhu, Q., Yuan, K., Braghiere, R.K., He, L., Luo, X., Wei, S., Riley, W. J., Zeng, Y. & Chen, M. (2022). Vegetation clumping modulates global photosynthesis through adjusting canopy light environment. Global Change Biology. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.16503. [Link] [PDF].


Teo, H.C., Raghavan, S.V., He, X., Zeng, Z., Cheng, Y., Luo, X., Lechner, A.M., Ashfold, M.L., Lamba, A., Sreekar, R., Zheng, Q., Chen, A. & Koh, L.P. (2022). Large-scale reforestation can increase water yield and reduce drought risk for water-insecure regions in the Asia-Pacific. Global Change Biology. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.16404. [Link] [PDF].


Chen, J.M., Wang, R., Liu, Y., He, L., Croft, H., Luo, X., Wang, H., Smith, N.G., Keenan, T.K., Prentice, I.C., Zhang, Y., Ju, W. & Dong, N. (2022) Global datasets of leaf photosynthetic capacity for ecological and Earth System research. Earth System Science Data. DOI: 10.5194/essd-14-4077-2022. [Link] [PDF].


Zhang, Y., Gentine, P., Luo, X., Lian, X., Liu, Y., Zhou, S., Michalak, A.M., Sun, W., Fisher, J.B., Piao, S., Keenan, T.F. (2022) Increasing sensitivity of dryland vegetation greenness to precipitation due to rising atmospheric CO2. Nature Communications. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-32631-3. [Link] [PDF].


Luo, X., Keenan, T.F. (2022) Tropical extreme droughts drive long-term increase in atmospheric CO2 growth rate variability. Nature Communications. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-28824-5. [Link] [PDF].


Dong, N., Wright, I., Chen, J., Luo, X., Wang, H., Keenan, T.F., Smith, N. & Prentice, I.C. (2022) Rising CO2 and warming reduce global canopy demand for nitrogen. New Phytologist. DOI: 10.1111/nph.18076. [Link] [PDF].


Fu, Z., Ciais, P., Prentice, I.C., Gentine, P., Makowski, D., Bastos, A., Luo, X., Green, J., Stoy, P., Yang, H. & Hajima, T. (2022) Atmospheric dryness reduces photosynthesis along a large range of soil water deficits. Nature Communications. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-28652-7 [Link] [PDF].



Keenan, T.F., Luo, X., De Kauwe, M., Medlyn, B., Prentice, I.C., Stocker, B., Smith, N., Terrer, C., Wang, H., Zhang, Y. & Zhou, S. (2021) A constraint on historic growth in global photosynthesis due to increasing CO2. Nature. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-021-04096-9. [Link] [PDF].


Zhang, M., Keenan, T.F., Luo, X. et al. 9 additional co-authors. Elevated CO2 moderates the impact of climate change on future bamboo distribution in Madagascar. Science of The Total Environment. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.152235. [Link] [PDF].


Luo, X., Keenan, T.F., Chen, J.M., Croft, H., Prentice, I.C., Smith, N.G., Walker, A.P., Wang, H., Wang, R., Xu, C. & Zhang, Y. (2021) Global variation in the fraction of leaf nitrogen allocated to photosynthesis. Nature Communications. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-25163-9. (Nature Communications Editors' Highlights) [Link] [PDF].


Li, Y., Ma, Q., Chen, J.M., Croft, H., Luo, X., Zheng, T., Rogers, C. & Liu, J. (2021). Fine-scale leaf chlorophyll distribution across a deciduous forest through two-step model inversion from Sentinel-2 data. Remote Sensing of Environment. DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2021.112618. [Link] [PDF].


Sun, W., Fang, Y., Luo, X., Shiga, Y.P., Zhang, Y., Andrews, A.E., Thoning, A.W., Fisher, J.B., Keenan, T.F. & Michalak, A.M. (2021) Midwest U.S. croplands determine model divergence in North American carbon fluxes. AGU Advances. DOI: 10.1029/2020AV000310. [Link] [PDF].


Rogers C.A., Chen, J.M., Croft, H., Gonsamo, A., Luo, X., Bartlett, P. & Staebler, R.M. (2021) Daily leaf area index from photosynthetically active radiation for long term records of canopy structure and leaf phenology. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. DOI: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2021.108407. [Link] [PDF].


Chu, H., Luo, X., Yang, Z & 72 co-auhtors. (2021) Representativeness of Eddy-Covariance Flux Footprints for Areas Surrounding AmeriFlux Sites. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. DOI: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2021.108350. [Link] [PDF].



Luo, X., Keenan, T.F. (2020) Global evidence for the acclimation of ecosystem photosynthesis to light. Nature Ecology & Evolution. DOI:10.1038/s41559-020-1258-7. [Link] [PDF].


Keenan T.F., Luo X., Zhang Y. & Zhou S. (2020) Ecosystem aridity and atmospheric CO2. Science, 368, 251.2-252. DOI: 10.1126/science.abb5449. [Link] [PDF].


Croft, H., Chen, J.M., Mo, G., Luo, S., Luo, X., Arabian, J., Zhang, Y., Simic, A., Noland, T.L., He, Y., Homolová, L., Malenovský, Z., Yi, Q., Beringer, J., Amiri, R., Hutley, L., Arellano, P., Stahl, C. & Bonal, D. (2020). Global distribution of leaf chlorophyll content. Remote Sensing of Environment. DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2019.111479. [Link] [PDF].



Luo, X., Croft, H., Chen, J.M., He, L. & Keenan, T.F. (2019). Improved estimates of global photosynthesis using information on leaf chlorophyll content. Global Change Biology. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.14624. [Link] [PDF].


Wang, R., Chen, J.M., Luo, X., Black, T. A. & Arain, A. (2019). Seasonality of leaf area index and photosynthetic capacity for better estimation of carbon and water fluxes in evergreen conifer forests. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. DOI: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2019.107708. [Link] [PDF].



Luo, X., Keenan, T.F., Fisher, J.B., Jiménez, J., Chen, J.M., Jiang, C., Ju, W., Perakalapudi, N., Ryu, Y. & Tadić, J.M. (2018). The impact of the 2015-2016 El Niño on global photosynthesis using satellite remote sensing. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 373, 20170409. [Link] [PDF].


Luo, X., Croft, H., Chen, J.M., Bartlett, P., Staebler, R. & Froelich, N. (2018). Incorporating leaf chlorophyll content as a proxy for photosynthetic parameters for estimating carbon and water fluxes at a forest site. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 248, 156-168.[Link] [PDF].


He, L., Chen, J.M., Gonsamo, A., Luo, X., Wang, R., Liu, Y. & Liu, R. (2018) Changes in the shadow: the shifting role of shaded leaves in global carbon and water cycles under climate change. Geophysical Research Letters. DOI: 10.1029/2018GL077560. [Link] [PDF].


Luo, X., Chen, J.M., Liu, J., Black, T.A., Croft, H., Staebler, R., He, L., Arain, M.A., Chen, B., Mo, G., Gonsamo, A. & McCaughey, H. (2018). Comparison of big-leaf, two-big-leaf and two-leaf upscaling schemes for evapotranspiration estimation using coupled carbon-water modelling. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeoscience. DOI: 10.1002/2017JG003978. [Link] [PDF].


2017 and before

Croft, H., Chen, J.M., Luo, X., Bartlett, P., Chen, B. & Staebler, R. (2017). Leaf chlorophyll content as a proxy for leaf photosynthetic capacity. Global Change Biology. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.13599. [Link] [PDF].


He, L., Chen, J.M., Liu, J., Bélair, S. & Luo, X. (2017). Assessment of SMAP soil moisture for global simulation of gross primary production. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeoscience. DOI: 10.1002/2016JG003603. [Link] [PDF].


Luo, X., Chen, X., Wang, L., Xu, L. & Tian, Y. (2014). Modeling and predicting spring land surface phenology of the Deciduous Broadleaf Forest in northern China, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 198-199, 33-41. [Link] [PDF].


Luo, X., Chen, X., Xu, L., Myneni, R. B. & Zhu, Z. (2013). Assessing performance of NDVI and NDVI3g in monitoring leaf unfolding dates of the deciduous broadleaf forest in northern China, Remote Sensing, 5, 845-861. [Link] [PDF].

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