1. Graduate Student
We are constantly looking for motivated graduate students to join us! If you are interested in vegetation dynamics, climate change, remote sensing, ecological models and the terrestrial carbon cycle, feel free to drop me an email w/ your CV. PhD students at NUS will be fully funded through Reseaerch Scholarship and other merit-based scholarhips [here]. Note that the graduate student applications will be reviewed by a committee within the geography department. The general requirement for PhD admission is available [here].
2. Postdoctoral Research Fellow
NOW! We have two postdoctoral research fellow (RF) positions available now. The first RF will help us develop and deploy a near surface vegetation monitoring system, including components such as Phenocam, Sap flow and Eddy covariance (Link to Application). The second RF will focus on improving global vegetation modelling using biogeographic and ecological theories (Link to Application). The deadline for applications is Dec 15, 2024.
We also welcome researchers joining us on other merit-based fellowships, including NUS Fellows (Southeast Asia), NUS Presidential Fellowship.
3. Undergraduate Research Assistant
We welcome undergraduate students to conduct research in our lab. There are several schemes through which you can work with us - 1) NUS student work scheme, 2) Undergraduate Honours Thesis (HT) or 3) UROP scheme.
4. Visiting Students/Scholars
We are happy to host students/scholars from other institutions. Please email me with a brief introduction about your research, your CV and a short statement on how you think we can help you make progress in science. Please note that our department has implemented a quota for visiting students each year, therefore we would not be able to make committeement before we assess all visiting student applicantions (usually in March).